Happy NYE everyone! Hope you all had a good one – Tramp was pretty good, a bit minimal at times but good vibes overall, with plenty of new and old tracks put together well. I also heard good things about the Wax:On night in Newcastle from my friends. Claude Von Stroke and Fake Blood were the nuts supposedly.
I’ve actually been running a few days late on this one, I lack any form of internet at my house and my neighbours have passworded their wireless signal – how dare they. I am basically here to put together a short list of my favourite 8 producers for the year and give examples as to why they are so awesome. The music scene in 2008 has been ridiculously awesome and has seen a big shift in not just electronic music, but the clubbing scene in general.

Pretty much gone are the days of ‘avin’ it’ electro in clubs, tunes from the likes of Justice and every other impersonator typified by huge distorted synths, legions of sweaty neon ravers and general madness. Thats not to say that style is not popular, or indeed won't come back. But right now, things have got a bit more cheeky, grimey and dubbier along the way with producers reinventing our favourite genres to satisfy our thirst for something new.
Don’t get me wrong, I love a bit of a distorted banger in a mix but you wont be seeing any Boys Noize, Justice or MSTRKRFT in my top 8, times are a changin’ folks.

In no particular order i have loved:
Fake Blood:
The Kills - Cheap and Cheerful (Fake Blood Remix) / (Y.S.I)
Azzido Da Bass - Dooms Night (Crookers Remix) / (Y.S.I)
Drop the Lime:

The Fugees - Ready or Not (Drop the Lime Remix) / (Y.S.I)
Jack Beats
AC Slater - Jack got Jacked (Jack Beats Remix) / (Y.S.I)
Boy 8-Bit:
DJ Touche - Girls a Freak (Boy 8-Bit Remix) / (Y.S.I)
Altern8 - Frequency (Hostage Remix) / (Y.S.I)

Autodidakt - Shit Your Rack (Proxy Remix) / (Y.S.I)
And last but not least: Foamo:
Mystery Jets - Half in Love With Elizabeth (Foamo Remix) / (Y.S.I)
Lets make '09 a good one!
1 comment:
Your blog is wicked and by the way, quick heads up:
Azzido Da Bass are Playing MATTER London This Friday 27th March.
For Cheap £6 Tickets Click The Link and Type in the promotional code: SolidGold
Other acts include; Style OF Eye, Audio Bullys, Headman, JoJo De Freq
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